Saturday, February 18, 2012

Spring is coming...

While the plants are sleeping, the keyboards are has been the Tupper woodshop!

The Garden Committee has been working on a VSB Policy Document.  We have proposals to Evergreen, a local business and Whole Kids Foundation.

The bulbs (daffodils from years ago) are starting to come up on the Green Streets Boulevards.  In addition, dozens of tulip bulbs planted last fall by Shera, May, Andrea, Breanna, Zoe, Logan, Preston will start poking up soon.

On the to-do list;
add more soil to the gardens, continue the lasagna area
free coffee compost from Salt Spring Coffee on Main Street can be picked up
compost bin can be emptied onto the garden by the gym
haircut for many Green Street Boulevard plants

Volunteers always welcome.
In April we will do sunflower sessions in the classrooms - parent helpers welcome.
We plant seeds, read stories and talk about life cycles and soil science.

Spring is around the corner - and so is Tupper - where students are building us some special 'bonus' planters made with free wood (above) from a UBC donation.